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Judah Kreinbrook

Judah Kreinbrook is a rising third year medical student at Duke University. Prior to medical school he worked as an EMT and paramedic for six years in Sumter County, Florida, a largely suburban and rural county. During this time, he developed an interest in critical cardiac emergencies, especially out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. He now aims to become a clinician-investigator with a focus on resuscitation science. In the next two years he will be completing his MSc in clinical research at the Duke Clinical Research Institute under the mentorship of Dr. Monique Starks. His primary project will support Dr. Starks’ larger goals of closing rural disparities in cardiac arrest via drone as first responder (DFR) networks. This will be done via examining the rural versus urban incidence of intra-arrest transport (IAT) practices, which may be higher in rural regions, increased by future implementation of DFR networks, and associated with decreased survival to discharge. In his free time, he enjoys finding the best hiking spots, teeing it up on the golf course, and reading history and philosophy of science books.  

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Maria Alias

Clinical researcher in addiction with a background in psychology and evidence-based treatment research. My research interests include dual diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment, detection of emerging trends and new patterns of use, developing better treatments for substance use disorders, and harm reduction from a gender perspective. I join the PEER Heart working group in Addiction Medicine from OHSU.

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  • Vice Chair, Equity Diversity Inclusion Pediatrics
  • Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at Seattle Children's and University of Washington Medical Center Montlake

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